
Monday, May 28, 2007

beauty comes in many ways

So it's nearly June and while things come to an end - classes, the year in Switzerland, saying goodbye to friends - things also begin - my friends had a baby, my life is completely changing. It's comforting to know that change is afoot again - I suppose I revel in change, as I like knowing something new is ahead. It's been a wonderful May - I've had visitors each weekend, my friend Andrea and my parents for two weeks, so all was chaotic yet wonderful. Went to the Borromeo Islands in Lago Maggiore with my parents, which was an amazing weekend. TASIS Arts Festival was last weekend, and I was lucky enough to get two wonderful prints from one of my favourite students today as a thank-you - what a priceless gift! We finished our classes on Friday in a bittersweet moment - many tears, many laughs, and many memories. Having boarding school students for two hours a day is a lot of time to get to know them, and I feel so lucky to have met these kids. They're amazing.
(that's them!)
Tomorrow is our final exam - my last serious 'task' - and I still say that if this place were a day school I would be here forever. The kids are really incredible. I have learned so much from them - from their experiences, their attitudes, their lives - I'm such a lucky chicka to have had them in my life.
So...a week left to take full advantage of these people I've gotten to know this year, some well, some not so well, but all have added something to the way I look at the world. I often wonder of others see this place as writers do - as another way dialogue can be written, another plot twist, another possibility. Probably not. Which is probably best. Writers are all a bit nuts anyway. :)
Welcome to the world, Wallace Lunami Martin Schumacher. As this world is a chaotic mess at times, she decided to join us a month early, and will likely prove to us why eventually. She's gorgeous. Congratulations, Dan and Julia and all Martins and Schumachers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.